Who We Are

The Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain is a member of KIN Canada formerly known as the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada. Our club was established in 1979. The Stony Plain Kinsmen through the years and today are recognized for their dedicated commitment and working closely together to serve the community.

What Do We Do?

Our club has a strong commitment to the Association's motto: "Serving the Community's Greatest Need". We are involved in service projects at the local, regional and national levels. Our largest fundraiser and service project is the well-known Stony Plain Kinsmen Farmers' Days Rodeo & Exhibition and through this project and other fundraising activities we are able to assist over 30 charitable organizations.

More Information?

Do you require more information about the Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain and its activities?

Are You Interested In Joining Us?

Then come and meet us at one of our regular club meetings. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month September through June at the Stony Plain Pioneer Museum, at the Exhibition Grounds in Stony Plain.

We typically meet at 6:00 p.m. for Fellowship with Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Our club meetings begin at approximately 7:00 p.m. For additional information, email us at www.stonyplainkinsmen.ca.

Copyright © 2025 Stony Plain Kinsmen
